This page gives you the links to all the forms you need to read, complete and bring with you before the start of your course/try dive/scuba diving party or any other diving experience.
Scroll down to find your course (or to join the scuba diving club) and there you will find the link/s to your form/s!
Forms to complete for Children’s scuba diving courses:
- Please print the Bubblemaker form and fill it in. It needs to be signed by the participant and parent/guardian, as appropriate. Bring it with you to the Bubblemaker session.
- If you answer “yes” to any of the medical questions in the Bubblemaker form you will need to print this additional Medical Form, fill it in and take it to your doctor before you start any in water activity.
- Parents/guardians also need to read the Youth Diving: Responsibility and Risks Flip Chart. If you have any questions please do contact us and we will be happy to answer them for you.
Seal Team
- Please print the Seal Team Statement form and fill it in. It needs to be signed by the participant and parent/guardian, as appropriate. Bring it with you to the first Seal Team session.
- If you answer “yes” to any of the medical questions in the Seal Team form you will need to print this additional Medical Form, fill it in and take it to your doctor before you start any in water activity.
- Parents/guardians also need to read the Youth Diving: Responsibility and Risks Flip Chart. If you have any questions please do contact us and we will be happy to answer them for you.
Junior Open Water Diver Course
- Please print only page 1 of the Medical Statement Participant Record, and complete the Divers Medical Questionnaire section. It needs to be signed by the participant and parent/guardian, as appropriate. Bring it with you to the first Junior Open Water Diver course session.
- If you answer “yes” to any of the medical questions on page 1 you will need to print the complete Medical Statement Participant Record form (6 pages), fill it in and take it to your doctor before you start any in water activity.
- Parents/guardians need to print, read and sign the Youth Diving: Responsibility and Risks Acknowledgement form and bring it to the first session.
- Parents/guardians also need to read the Youth Diving: Responsibility and Risks Flip Chart.
- If you have any questions please do contact us and we will be happy to answer them for you.
Children’s Parties
- Please print the Try Diving Pool Event form and fill it in. Bring it with you to the party.
- Please print only page 1 of the Medical Statement Participant Record, and complete the Divers Medical Questionnaire section. It needs to be signed by the participant and parent/guardian, as appropriate. Bring it with you to the children’s party.
- If you answer “yes” to any of the medical questions on page 1 you will need to print the complete Medical Statement Participant Record form (6 pages), fill it in and take it to your doctor before you start any in water activity.
- Parents/guardians need to print, read and sign the Youth Diving: Responsibility and Risks Acknowledgement form and bring it to the party.
- Parents/guardians also need to read the Youth Diving: Responsibility and Risks Flip Chart.
- If you have any questions please do contact us and we will be happy to answer them for you.
Forms to complete for adult courses:
Try Dive
- Pre-register your details here.
- Please print the Try Diving Pool Event form and fill it in. Bring it with you to the Scuba Diving Try Dive session.
- If you answer “yes” to any of the medical questions in the above form, you will need to print the complete Medical Statement Participant Record form (6 pages), fill it in and take it to your doctor before you start any in water activity.
Discover Scuba Diving (DSD)
- Please print the Discover Scuba Diving form and fill it in. Bring it with you to the Discover Scuba Diving session.
- If you answer “yes” to any of the medical questions in the above form, you will need to print the complete Medical Statement Participant Record form (6 pages), fill it in and take it to your doctor before you start any in water activity.
Open Water Diver course and Open Water Diver Referral course and ReActivate/Scuba refresher
- Please print only page 1 of the Medical Statement Participant Record, and complete the Divers Medical Questionnaire section. Bring it with you to the first session of your Open Water Diver course.
- If you answer “yes” to any of the medical questions on page 1 you will need to print the complete Medical Statement Participant Record form (6 pages), fill it in and take it to your doctor before you start any in water activity.
Continuing Education Scuba Diving courses: Advanced Open Water Diver, Rescue Diver, Master Scuba Diver and all Speciality Diver courses e.g. Deep, Wreck…
- Please print the Continuing Education Administrative Document form and fill it in. Bring it with you to the first training session of your course.
- If you answer “yes” to any of the medical questions in the Divers Medical Questionnaire section, you will need to print the complete Medical Statement Participant Record form (6 pages), fill it in and take it to your doctor before you start any in water activity.
Other Forms
Excel Scuba Dive club membership form
- Click here for the membership application form.
Excel Scuba Trip booking form
- Click here for the Excel Scuba Trip booking form.
Course Enrolment Form (needs to be completed for every course)
- Click here for the Excel Scuba course enrolment form.
Master Scuba Diver Application Form
- Click here to get the form